5 Sept 2011

Our weapon of choice

What do the new Spiderman movie in 3D, Peter Jackson's 'The Hobbit' and Ridley Scott's new SciFi film 'Prometheus' have in common with a small short film like ours?

The Epic Camera. That's what.

Ok, we don't have the budget (but you could help us out a little bit) for the multi million dollars sets, the cast or the special effects but damn we are going to make this film look good. No scratch that, we are going to make it look great. The power in our film is story. No doubt about it whenever someone reads the script they are intrigued, enthralled and dying to know the ending, but what better way to make this an experience to remember than great images. Hence our choice of Epic. Without going into great detail the Red Camera Company has made it possible for small film-makers like us to use Hollywood standard camera's, and to do it cheaply. What once cost hundreds of thousands in camera gear has been reduced to a fifth of that and more in some instances.

Why else would Peter Jackson buy thirty of these and James Cameron buy fifty!